

einer amerikanischen Lehrerin

My own attempts: here and there.

4 Kommentare:

ms. whatsit hat gesagt…

I am curious to know what you think about my reflection. Do German educators see things similarly?

ms. whatsit hat gesagt…

Ich bin neugierig, zu wissen, was Sie an meine Reflexion denken. Sehen deutsche Erzieher Sachen ähnlich?

Walter Böhme hat gesagt…

I'm a rather old teacher now and I would not see me as a good teacher, as I have lost nerves and eagernes with time going by.
I like your goals, but though I teach at a school I like, I have resigned reaching them as you hopefully do.
Concerning bureaucracy I think very much the same.

Walter Böhme hat gesagt…

In the blog itself I have put links to some of my work. The German work is for school, the English one for fun (but hopefully useful for someone).